• ... De Caribbean's Greatest Summer Lime
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Lights, Camera, Action! On January 4th, 2004, a rare diamond entered the world to Louise and Sherwin Mitchell, named Shadelle Ashanté Mitchell. Confident and purpose-driven, Shadelle’s infectious personality captivates all who she meets. She’s the youngest of her three siblings, with her education spanning from St. Thomas’ Pre-School to The Nevis Sixth Form College.

Shadelle’s pageantry journey began at four years old, igniting her love for the stage. From The Prince and Princess Show, where she placed third runner-up, she’s no stranger to the spotlight.

This start propelled her from a shy and reserved little girl to an outgoing young lady who makes remarkable and amazing friends. This pageant heartened her into pursuing other pageants, such as the St. Thomas’ Festival in 2018, where she came 2nd runner up and Ms. Dainty Pageant in 2019 where she placed 1st runner up, she is no stranger to pageantry. Shadelle’s favorite theatrical role is showcasing her talent, but the most important part is making new acquaintance and gaining new experience.

Believing in the power of dramatizing this inspires and enlightens her, Shadelle sees it as a way to cut through life’s dull parts. Shadelle’s biggest inspiration being her mother, Louise, who raised her and her siblings single-handedly, Shadelle finds strength in her example.

Entering the Miss Cultural Pageant, Shadelle sees it as an opportunity to make her dreams tangible, fueled by the belief that inspiration finds those who work for it. Grateful for the strength to pursue her goals, she faces obstacles with a bright smile and unwavering composure.

Shadelle’s enthusiasm and eagerness when it comes to design is exuberant, she wishes to one day become a Professional Fashion Designer.

As she sees it, fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.” “A great dress can make you remember what is beautiful about life.

Her favorite quote states “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.”
While it’s easy to use failure as a great way to get discouraged about your next endeavor, it’s a far better idea to use those emotions as fuel to drive you forward to eventual success.